


Today was the first class of CTE 216 lesson. I was very surprised today because i learned that we took this course with EFL students and our teacher is Mr. Neufeld, so I met boot my classmates and teacher.I liked them. We loged in program which was use our teacher in his phone, we can take photo by using his iphone :) We did some tasks which is similarly to puzzle as o group. Our teacher gave some interesting subject an questions we separate in terms of our answers and then he made us discussed as a group. 


Our teacher mentioned how to write a diary in Teacher Portfolio and how to create personal blog. He said that we can add each week a new dairy in our personal blog.I think this is very effective technique for us because if we do it, we will save our opinion in this blog. As a result of this method we can create our individual teacher style.  In addition, we learned another web site which is also efficient is buble.us. I helps us to make a brain storm map. We can draw some sub titles about some specific subjects with bubble.us web site.


Behaviorism is this week's subject.We learned differences are between operant and classical conditioning. We watched some related videos about operant and classical conditioning from this website http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-difference-between-classical-and-operant-conditioning-peggy-andover . In this video, Classical Conditioning is Involuntary Behavior. Ivan Pavlov had done an experiment on his dog. Firstly, Pavlov rang the bell and then fed the dog with meat. He repeated this action several times. Thereby, after hearing the bell, the dog begin to salivate. At the of the day, we had a quiz and it is utilized this website  http://socrative.com/  There is a mini quiz about classical and operant conditioning.


we did a lot of exercises and task. Our teacher teached us what is verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, motor skills, and attitudes about learning. In addition to this we learned nine phases of learning in these main descriptions; preparation for learning, acquisition and performance and transfer of learning. and handled Gagne's hierarchy of learning is include problem solving, rule learning, concept learning, discrimination learning, verbal association, chaining, stimulus response and signal learning. We did last lesson outside and we did some exercises about Gagne's events of instruction with group friends. We told our classmates how Turkish Caffee is cooked and serviced step by step according to Gagne's events of instruction. So this work was very beneficial for us especially CTE students because we have Instructional Design class and we learned gagnes 9 events in this lesson too.


Today ı was so sad because  our teacher  didn't come to class, after we learned he is went  to hospital because of his healthy problems. we needed to do quiz but we didn't as a result of this.


Our teacher cames back to his home from hospital. Today he came to lesson. we watched some videos about brain and memorizing. I think they were very useful for us because I had no idea about our brain structure. After watching these videos our teacher met us socrative.com I think this web side is very intersting. We did memory test in socrative and he prepared some test and some pictures for us.We answered these questions. I and my group friends performance was very high in this test. After answering question we looked pictures which are prepared by our teacher and he wanted to recognise how many feature in this pictures from us. And then he showed us complicate letters during 5 seconds and he wanted to write these letters without seeing. I learned my memory capacity.At the end of this lesson we had quiz which is remained previous class.


we discussed behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism in terms of mental, learning process, and role of teacher and then Our teacher gave us some paper which is included constructivist's pictures, dates and their names and we match them in correct order with their contrubitions to Constructivism. Then we learned differences between traditional and constructivist classrooms and we did some exercises related these subject. At the end of the day i learned clearly this they topics. At the end of the lesson we had last quiz.


Today we did online course. Everyone joined the Google Hangout. It was really enjoyable. I. ezel and nurperi online together. Our teacher spoke about multiple intelligence and he wanted to us join Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences test. After this quiz, we learned our predispositions. I think everybody should do this test and learn their tendencies.


Today our teacher came with pod boards(portable little white boards) in the class. He made us as three group and gave some materials in order to make a little presentation.It made me excited He said our topic which was about can robots learn and teach. I searched some info about it on the internet with my group friends who are Ezel, Nurperi and Meryem. I said robots both can learn and can teach, but my group friend believe that it is not correct.When we find some info about that we saw they both teach and learn something they was very suprised. Then we write our research findings to  pod board. When we finish our preparation all groups tell their topic as a presentation so we learn also the other topics. I think this method is student centered. Our teacher gaved some clues, helped us and listened our presentations during the lesson.In my opinion think this activity very beneficial for us because this was learned how designed a lecture and teach the students


This week is the midterm week. Our midterm was very interesting i think. Our teacher gaves 4 question in midterm, and we can choosen only 3 of them an answer these.


We assigned our group portfolio outline and each group present their project outline in the class to teacher and other groups. What they did and what they will do. We choose topic as a couple for presented the next week. I and nurperi choose motivation types. think this was the most important experiences for me for my future.teaching life.


Today, three groups in class present the different topics during 45 minutes. I and nurperi present our topic "Motivation types". This is our first teaching experience during 45 minutes. We behaved as a teacher. Other groups were inspired from their teachers because two group used  http://socrative.com/ as him and they showed us many videos we too.We used some videos pictures and diagrams.We presented out topic  by using power point slides which is prepared by us.We enjoyed this experience both teaching and learning.

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