My Profile


My full name is Büşra SÖNMEZ
I was born on 16/06/1989
I am a  Turkish Republic citizen and this makes me feel happy.
I am currently at Middle East Technical University studying Computer Education and

Instructional Technology because i Iike technology, and using it.
What I like about my studies is that their related with technology.
What I dislike about my studies is that i am tired so much.
I am saving up for going erasmus because both seeing new place and gain new experiences.
My home is in Ankara and I have lived here for 25 years.
My favorite activity/activities include singing a song, playing bağlama and I love to do this because these makes feel me happy and relax.
I love to say i can do it and my most over-used saying is probably it.
My favorite meal involves yogurt, salad, meat balls, chips and my favorite snack food is chocolate :) .
The person who supports me the most is my mother and father and in my life they have helped me to my all decisions.
The best time of the day for me is coming at METU NCC because i started new and good life myself.
My greatest inspiration is being a good programmer :D

My all-time role model is my mother because she is a teacher and very good mother :D 


When I was little I remember that  i was  ver hyperactive My childhood was generally positive and this makes me happy.

I find / always found school to be sometimes easy sometimes difficult  and this is because i changed 2 times primary school ,so ı had adaptation problem school environment.
The best teacher I ever had was  second teacher who name is İhsan DEMİR because he is multi-directional teacher and that made me realize that educational should be multi-directional because all the students have different tendency.

The worst teacher I ever had was my math teacher at high school because she was old and very irrelevant for students and  that made me realize that a teacher whose age...
The best thing anyone has ever said to me is that the life is one day which is today.

The worst thing anyone has ever said to me is that you are very selfish but i dont think so.
I am proud that i have good and happy family.

The greatest lesson I learned was   and I learned it when i was 21 years old...



In my twenties I hope to achieve graduating a university
In my thirties I hope to achieve having a good job.
In my forties I hope to achieve having children.
The goals I have include 
I am worried about can not find anj job.


I believe that I will achieve my goals.
I am happy when thinking my university where is i will graduate.
It is important to find a good job and have a good family.
I am interested in some web design programs and programmig languages.

My destiny is that being a programmer or web designer. 

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